With a solar flux of around 68 – 70 what is to be done from Signal Point in late November? As the contest director for this event it is my task to put together a great team to milk the most from these challenging conditions and see if we can repeat last year’s win. The truth is conditions, as crappy as they’ll be, favor our location on the lower end of a north/south path into North America and all those lovely three point contacts.
L-R: K2PLF, W0CG, DF9LJ, Joyce Shea, G4IRN, K5DU, KY7M, K5NA, W1FJ, Dorothy, KB7Q, N7IR
I’m blessed with a “Tiger Team” of outstanding operators again this year. After solid team input to my request for wants and needs here’s how I assigned folks to maximize our effort.
On 160 Meters we have Richard, K5NA who will strive to get us 950 contacts, 25 zones, and 90 countries. He’ll be relieved by Geoff, W0CG who loves to operate in the quiet pre-dawn hours.
Both 80 and 15 meters will be milked for every last contact and multiplier by the triple-threat team of Joerg, DF9LJ*, Al, W1FJ, and Lee, KY7M. In addition, they along with some of the guys from the “night owl” bands will guard 10M around solar noon each day. We’ll need to pound 10M if/when it opens. Goals for these guys: 80M Q1800/Z30/C110 15M Q2650/Z35/C130 10M It is critical that we grab what comes our way – we’ll get what many won’t!
Last year the 40M guys logged an all-time high number of contacts for this contest from Signal Point. This with the 40M Yagi stuck on north! As 40M will be one of our “money bands” Fred, NA2U* and Gene, KB7Q will look to push the bar higher again this year. Goals: Q3450/Z35/C140.
20M is another “money” band and unique in that it stays open to somewhere all day and much of the night. To handle a variety of changing conditions we have Gary, N7IR*, Marty, K2PLF and John, G4IRN. These guys can milk the band when they must, yet run the pile-up when conditions build. Goals: Q3300/Z35/C130
So we’ll see what this merry band of CW pranksters can achieve. Wish us luck, but more specifically work us on all bands!
73 – Gene, KB7Q
“*” designates a band band captain, usually a club member, and the guy who helps set the operating schedule for his group, makes sure the operating position is ready to go, and has significant Signal Point experience to help solve problems.