Equipment Fundraising Operating

A New Transceiver for PJ2T

The Caribbean Contesting Consortium has received a significant gift from our friend Al Rousseau, W1FJ. Al recently purchased a new Elecraft K3S, then graciously donated his existing Elecraft K3 transceiver to the club.  As a result the club now owns four K3 transceivers! The new K3 had been checked out, updated, calibrated by Elecraft and arrived here at the N7IR radio ranch still sealed in its Elecraft shipping box. Al requested that the donation be dedicated to the original crew of PJ3CC, who won the 1967 CQWW CW contest from the Coral Cliff Hotel. Gene, KB7Q, who arranged the donation, had a small placard made that lists the members of the PJ3CC team, including Al (then W1FJJ).

This latest club K3 will be updated and upgraded to fit in with our other three. A new synthesizer board, 400 Hz CW 8-pole filter, the DSP low-pass filter update and stainless steel hardware upgrade are being paid for out of station maintenance funds. Gene, KB7Q, has donated funds to buy a 2.1kHz 8-pole SSB filter and Geoff, W0CG, has donated funds to buy the Digital Voice Recorder. In addition, Gene donated a couple of small unused update kits left over from his K3 maintenance days. All of the parts have arrived and will be installed over the next few weeks. I will transport the new club K3 to the station in November for the CQWW CW contest.

73, Gary, N7IR
CCC Station Equipment Lead


A big THANK YOU to W1FJ for this new PJ2T radio!

One reply on “A New Transceiver for PJ2T”

Thanks, Al! A fourth for tennis! We are hitting on all cylinders and cooking with GAS!

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