
Attention to Detail Pays Off

A year has passed since I agreed to take the job of “station equipment lead” in the CCC. What this job entails is the maintenance and development of the club’s radio equipment. This responsibility does not include the outside assets (antennas and towers) nor the computers. Geoff is still the lead for outside maintenance and Gene runs the IT department. The division of labor was designed to allow Geoff some breathing room so he can eventually return to something resembling a normal life.

Over the past year I helped to dispose of some surplus equipment that the club had accumulated, initiated the purchase of new equipment (including our third Elecraft K3) and acquired parts to maintain our workhorse Ameritron AL-1200 amplifiers. However, many other club members had a hand in all of these endeavors. Without each of us volunteering our time and expertise we will not be able to maintain this station in the long term.

I am the “lead” for station equipment maintenance. That does not mean that I will be able to do it all myself. I can afford to go to the station once a year. For the present that trip is scheduled during the CQ WW CW contest. During that trip immediate priority is given to those repairs that are critical to the success of the contest effort. After those items are taken care of I can attempt to work through the list of other repairs that have accumulated. Last year I ran out of time before many of those additional items were done. Fortunately Geoff and Gene took care of amplifier maintenance in March. As a result, we are now in very good shape with respect to amplifiers. We have six amps operating at full power and one easily repaired AL-1200 at the station. Another refurbished AL-1200 is awaiting shipment.

Club members or other users should communicate precise information about equipment failures as quickly as possible to either Gene or me, depending on whether it is computer or radio-related respectively. The exception to radio-related failures is Gene will deal with all remote-control issues. Ideally we should be informed while the reporting party is at the station, so we can begin trouble-shooting the problem with them. Team work is the key to success here.

My final comment is about our inventory system and its maintenance. We have a large amount of spare parts and equipment in storage at the station. The small items are stored in labelled bins. If you take something from one of the bins please return it to the same bin when you are through using it. Team leaders will be supplied with a copy of the detailed inventory spread sheet to help them locate needed items. If you repair a piece of equipment on the island and use a spare part then let me know the identity, quantity and original location of the item so that the inventory can be updated. This information will also tell us if we need to order more of that spare part.

I am looking forward to another successful contest season from PJ2T and will be happy to assist any member who needs help with our club equipment.


Gary Hembree, N7IR

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